Friday, 22 February 2008

Ministry of Mines to be restructured

This from The Lusaka Times today. It suggests the Government has had difficulty accessing accurate information from the mining companies and that for the new system to operate effectively, it needs to tackle questions of data and statistics. Dysfunctional environmental and mines safety systems may also get a much-needed overhaul.
The government intends to restructure the Ministry of Mines this year. Mines Minister, Kalombo Mwansa said this will be done to respond to the needs of the mining industry. Dr. Mwansa said his office will carry forward the work started in 2007. He said last year, the Ministry completed the performance audit of the Ministry as a first step to updating the strategic plan and restructuring process. Dr. Mwansa said the restructuring of the ministry will see the creation of a planning and information department to collect and analyse statistics about the mining industry. And Dr. Mwansa also announced that government has proposed a K200 million in this years budget to forumlate a policy on safety, health and environment so as to address safety in the mines.

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